Dr. Peggy Kalowes PhD, RN, CNS, FAHA is a Nursing Scientist with over 30+ years acute care experience. She has an extensive background as an expert APRN, educator and nurse leader across many healthcare settings. Dr. Kalowes established a system-wide Nursing Research and EBP program in Southern California, developing and conducting over 75+ nursing research studies, including many national, NIH funded multi-site studies. Her pioneering research on pressure injury prevention, resulted in multiple peer reviewed publications, and was most recently selected as the most robust randomized clinical trial (RCT) included in the new 2019 National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Prevention and Treatment Guidelines.1 Her multiple areas of research and robust EBP/PI studies has created an evidence base to demonstrate improvement in professional nursing practice and patient outcomes among Magnet® hospitals. Peggy has received multiple awards, including most recently the 2017 Nurse Researcher of the Year Award, from the Association for California Nurse Leaders (ACNL).
Dr. Kalowes’s consultation experience includes a variety of healthcare organizations such as large academic, tertiary, community, and critical access hospitals. Peggy has conducted numerous performance improvement (PI) projects to implement structural and process changes to improve outcomes and reduce the cost of providing care in acute care settings. She has recently established Nursing Consulting Partners (NCPs) innovative ‘Research / EBP’ consultative services, to help hospitals/healthcare systems bridge the research / practice gap, as they seek Magnet® designation and redesignation. She also helps mentor organizations through the process of research to evaluate Nurse’s Perception of Peer Review and Shared Governance, by using the NCP Institutional Research Board (IRB) ready protocols, using highly reliable and valid instruments. Dr. Kalowes serves as a key NCP consultant by providing guidance for healthcare systems on the written documentation to support the Magnet® application, including site preparation and coaching of physicians, executives, and staff to achieve successful on-site appraisal.
Dr. Kalowes is a member of many national associations including Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (STTI), the American Organization of Nurse Leaders (AONL), National Association for Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS) and the American Nurses Association (ANA). She has an expansive scholarship program; and has presented numerous poster and podium presentations regionally, nationally and internationally, on the Magnet® journey, which includes many research and EB practice initiatives that have focused on improvement of patient/nurse satisfaction, professional nursing practice, safe patient handling, and quality and safety initiatives. Peggy also serves as a peer reviewer for the CNS Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice.
Dr. Kalowes is an established nursing scientist, and a strong advocate for the profession of nursing and patient-centered care built on a foundation of clinical nursing excellence, quality and patient safety.
1 European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Quick Reference Guide. Emily Haesler (Ed.). EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA: 2019.